Child and Family Services

Counselling is free, confidential and always at the child's pace.

A trusted source of support

True Child & Family Service in Cairns conducts a range of services to respond to different situations. This service provides therapeutic and education support services specialising in child sexual abuse, sexual assault, problematic sexual behaviours and harmful sexual behaviours.

We work from a trauma-informed base and understand the specific impact trauma has on a child's development. Our therapists employ a variety of modalities including play, art, experiential, expressive, narrative and talk therapies. Counselling is free, confidential and always at the child's pace. True Child & Family Service are now located at:

216 Draper Street
Parramatta Park
Cairns QLD 4870
View map
Phone 4281 6893

Contact us 

Safety Planning involves considering all aspects of a child’s life and creating a plan to optimise their safety and protection. This approach mobilises and coordinates a network around a child to improve their overall safety outcomes.