Sharon Stokell

Over the past decade, Sharon has complemented her experience in Practice Management with an undergraduate degree in Psychology and a Masters in Forensic Mental Health. During this time, Sharon has nurtured referral pathways both as a manager and as a private practice therapist, providing her with a well-rounded understanding of what makes a successful practice tick.

Having completed a Diploma of Practice Management, post graduate studies in crisis management, managing organisational behaviour, human resource management and staff mediation, Sharon combined her hands on and accreditation training to prepare her for the role as True Clinic’s Business Manager. Since 2015, Sharon has dedicated herself to managing True’s clinical practices across Queensland. She says that working with staff and stakeholders who are passionate about reproductive and sexual health (RSE) in their own communities continues to amaze and inspire her. Sharon continues working towards True’s goal of access to RSE for all Queenslanders as part of True’s overarching 5 year strategy.